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Who we are The Community Health Workers Association of Missouri is a collective of people throughout the state of Missouri, working to improve health outcomes for a diverse population. This association brings members from across the state together, to share ideas, raise awareness, and support each other in the journey toward public health. | JOIN THE ASSOCIATION
Member benefits Connection: You are connected to a larger group banded together to produce positive results for public health in our region. Conferences: Conferences provide quality education and networking for community health workers and other health or helping professionals. Our annual conference grants continuing education units (CEUs) for CHWs and Social Workers. Public Policy / Advocacy: Together, and organized, we are better able to articulate our story and the importance of CHWs throughout the state and as a vital member in the healthcare industry. Free Informational Services: Through our association, you can keep in touch with other members, program coordinators, and have access to educational and professional development opportunities. Read more | Social Media |
Upcoming events Check out the Annual Conference Corner tab for registration and hotel booking information! | We need your helpWith your donations, we can continue supporting CHW's throughout the state in both Rural and Urban areas. |
Stay informedIf you want to stay informed about our news, events, and articles about health care, subscribe to our newsletter. |